Signing up to Atisfyre is easy!
To sign up using the web app, click here. To download the app, go to Playstore or Appstore.
Here’s what you need to do to get started:
Using your email address
- Enter your email address
- Create a secure password
- Verify your email address
Using Single Sign-On (SSO)
If you prefer a quicker way to get started, you can use your Google, Apple, Facebook, or Twitch account to sign up or log in. Here's how:
- Select your preferred SSO provider: On the signup or login page, you’ll see options to log in with Google, Apple, Facebook, or Twitch. Choose the provider you want to use.
- Authorize access: You’ll be redirected to the chosen provider’s login screen. Enter your credentials if you're not already logged in, then authorize Atisfyre to access your account.
Once you’re logged in, you’ll have full access to all features on our app. Complete all the steps on our platform to become job-ready.
Isn’t it simple? Sign up today and kickstart your influencer journey!