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How can I change my password?
Mobile App
Steps to change password
Open the Settings menu from the bottom navigation bar
Go to Advanced settings, tap Change Password
Enter your current password first and then a new password
Make sure your new password is strong and has 8 characters or more, with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, at least 1 numeric character, and 1 special character.
Your new password can’t be the same as your old password
Re-enter the new password for confirmation and save the changes
Web App
Steps to change password
Click on the drop-down menu next to your display name
Click on Change Password
Enter your current password first and then a new password
Make sure your new password is strong and has 8 characters or more, with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, at least 1 numeric character, and 1 special character.
Your new password can’t be the same as your old password
Re-enter the new password for confirmation and save the changes