Individual influencer promotion suspension
If a promotion gets suspended by the Atisfyre team, the promotion will be marked with a status that says “Partnership suspended”. This can happen at any time, including right after the job is offered to an influencer, while they are working, or even after they have submitted the job.
In all cases when a promotion is suspended, the influencer will not be paid.
Other influencers who are working on promotions for the same campaign will not get impacted. New promotions will continue to be assigned based on available budget and timelines.
If your promotion has been suspended, you will receive an email notifying you about it.
Why your promotion may have been suspended
- Something you did in your work went against the contract guidelines to an extent that is not fixable by redoing the work
- You gave a negative representation of the brand
- Your work has already been rejected and still doesn’t meet the quality standards
- You showcased other brands in the same piece of content
What this means for you
If your promotion has been suspended, this DOES NOT mean your account is suspended. You will still continue to receive jobs, but you may face a drop in your FyrePower. Please review your contract and the content you created to understand why your particular promotion was suspended.
Entire campaign suspension
If a campaign is suspended by the Atisfyre team, the entire campaign will be marked as “Suspended”. No new promotions will be created for this campaign, and it will be put on pause.
Promotions have already been offered but not accepted by the influencers yet will be marked with the status “Partnership suspended.”
Promotions which have already been accepted or submitted to the brand will not be suspended, and will continue like a regular promotion. If all is good with the submitted content, influencers will still get paid.
If your campaign has been suspended, you will receive an email notifying you about it. You won’t face any repercussions if your campaign is suspended, as it has been suspended from the brand’s side. All influencers who have been affected will receive the same email.
If you feel that your work has been unfairly suspended, you can reach out to us here or by sending us a chat message.
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