Signing up to Atisfyre is easy!
To sign up, click here!
Then, you'll have to go through a few steps before you're all set up.
- Enter the email address you want to use to connect to your Atisfyre account (please note that this cannot be changed later)
- Create a password that contains at least 8 characters (1 numeric; 1 upper, 1 lower and 1 special case; and no spaces)
- An email with a link will be sent to you
- Click on the link and complete the sign up process
- 100% fill out your profile - you'll know when it's done when the completion bar on your dashboard is full (for more information, please read our guide!)
- Once your profile is all set up, you'll be able to start receiving job offers from brands that suit your demographics, style, personality, and more!
Find out more about how you get matched with brands here.
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